Getting Started with Agility: Essential Reading

As is the case with many of the people who actually know what they’re talking about, I’ve come to shudder when I hear the word “Agile,” at least until I can figure out whether the person who uttered the word actually knows what they’ve just said. More often than not, they don’t. The word Agile…

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What is Agile? The elevator pitch.

Sitting around the Thanksgiving table, somebody (very intelligent, but a lawyer, so has no experience whatever with software or manufacturing) asked “What exactly is ‘Agile’?” Given the situation, I couldn’t launch into a 30-minute lecture :-), so I was stymied. Somebody chirped in that that Agile was about short cycles etc., etc., but talking about…

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#NoEstimates, An Introduction.

Estimates are waste. Not only are they not necessary, but they introduce dysfunction into the team. We should really just stop doing them. This thinking comes from the #NoEstimates movement (of which I’m a card-carrying member), which came onto the scene a couple years ago when @WoodyZuill created the #NoEstimates hash tag on Twitter. #NoEstimates…

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